Change for Women

Empowering Women and Girls Worldwide 

At Valentia, we believe that beauty is more than skin deep. We stand vigilant and determined to make a difference in the world and consider ourselves to be above reproach when it comes to social and environmental responsibility.

We know in our bones that supporting and empowering women is the fastest path to igniting change and promoting progress for us all on a global level. That’s why we’re proud to be part of the Change for Women collective.

It’s a highly-conscious community of brands on a collective mission to raise awareness, fund, and support a wide range of non-profit organizations working on the front lines to remove barriers to equality for women when it comes to economic empowerment, education, equal rights, maternal health, breastfeeding and parental support, and women’s health and family planning.

"Promoting and supporting women's health and education is the crucial path to making this world a more loving, equal, and beautiful place to live." - Jamie Morea, Valentia Co-founder

With Valentia, you’re standing shoulder to shoulder with us to help fund the ground-breaking work of organizations fighting tirelessly for change.

We have committed ourselves to the equality, health, and education of women because it's the fastest way to influence change on a global scale and because it's the right thing to do.